Have you ever wished you could keep luxuriating in the effects of your healing massage? Now you can, with the new after-massage Relaxation Room offering.
Instead of rushing back out into busy traffic, linger an extra hour in a cozy, quiet refuge as you soothe your soul, extend your calm state of mind from your session, and immediately begin integrating the healing you just received.
Bring your journal — or simply rest, meditate, or slip into a luscious nap.
Soothe your senses in total calm and privacy and keep your mind flowing with endorphins and free of stress and worries.
Things to know about the Relaxation Room!
- You may choose a cozy loveseat or an anti-gravity chair, and customize the lighting to your preference. A soft blanket is also provided for your comfort.
- You are free to play your own music, guided meditations or other sounds, such as waves, crickets or birdsong, to enhance your post-massage experience.
- A diffuser and selection of pure essential oils is available for your use.
- The space is gridded with crystals to keep the energy high. Oracle decks are also on hand if you feel inspired to pull a card.
- Help yourself to water and snacks.
- Clients set their own timer and let themselves out in a relaxed and private way.
- The Relaxation Room is available for all time slots except the very last appointment of the day.
- The Relaxation Room is just a $10 per hour add-on! Clients wishing to use the space will remit payment beforehand.
I look forward to welcoming you to this spot to relax after your session!
Call (303) 903-8816 to book your appointment today! A 90-minute healing energy massage is $144.